Welcome to this week’s M9B Friday Reveal!
This week, we are featuring
Krystalyn Drown
author of Tracy Tam: Santa Command, a Tantrum Books Title!
Be sure to enter the giveaway found at the end of the post!

Krystalyn spent thirteen years working at Walt Disney World in a variety of roles: entertainer, talent coordinator, and character captain. Her degree in theatre as well as many, many hours spent in a dance studio, helped with her job there. Her various other day jobs have included working in zoology at Sea World, as an elementary teacher, and currently as a support technician for a website. In the evenings, she does mad writing challenges with her sister, who is also an author. Krystalyn lives near Orlando, Florida with her husband, son, a were cat, and a Yorkie with a Napoleon complex.
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When I was a child, my Christmas traditions were pretty simple. I would get up and open my presents. Then, I would have Christmas dinner (always turkey, green beans, dressing, cranberry sauce shaped like a can, and the most amazing homemade rolls you could ever taste) with my mom’s side of the family.
After dinner, my dad’s parents would come get me. I would go over to their house and repeat. Presents, dinner, and spending the night with my cousin giggling under the covers as we did our best to stay awake as long as possible.
As I grew older, our families were separated by distance, so those traditions gradually faded away.
As an adult, I have made my own traditions with my husband and my son. Whether we celebrate at home in Florida or with family in Indiana, we have some things that are always the same.
Our Elf on the Shelf, Elfie, does his best to win Cutest Elf of the Year.

We wear matching pajamas.

And we make amazing memories with our family. Because no matter how traditions change, all that really matters is the time we spend with those we care about. A night spent playing board games or a drive to look at Christmas lights can create memories that last forever.
Although, I do have one tradition that always stays the same. I still have to have my cranberry sauce shaped like a can.

Tracy doesn’t believe that Santa can deliver all of those presents in one night with out a little help from science. A flying sleigh can only be powered by jet engines, and Santa’s magical abilities can only be the result of altered DNA. In order to test her theories, she sneaks onto Santa’s sleigh and ends up at Santa Command, the place where a team of humans monitors Santa’s big night. When Tracy attempts to hack into their computers, she accidentally introduces a virus to their system. As a result, three states get knocked out of sync with the rest of the world. Before the night is over, Tracy has to fix time and help Santa finish his deliveries. And she has to do it all with Santa’s magic, which she doesn’t believe exists.
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