From Bestselling Paranormal Romance Author Lisa Olsen
After werewolves attack her family, Amelia Singer escapes to Cutter's Folly in search of her long lost grandmother. There she finds the strangest revelation yet - not only is she descended from a long line of shapeshifters, Amelia's firstborn is destined to lead the pack to dominion over all others. Now power hungry shifters everywhere will stop at nothing to share in that prophecy. Choosing a mate is the only way to end the violence, but how can she be expected to choose a man she's known for less than a week? At the heart of this struggle, Amelia is torn between Chase, who makes her pulse race with a single sultry glance, and Cutter, a reclusive but tempting loner with secrets of his own. Can fiercely independent Amelia find happiness with the pack, or will she rebel under the pressure and take her chances on her own?
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Chase dropped to
the ground on her right, landing light as a cat before straightening to his
full height and stepping close. “You’re
not so good at listening, let’s see how good you are with your mouth,” he
smirked. Closing the distance between
them, he leaned down to kiss her, giving her no opportunity to pull away.
Millie opened her
mouth to retort, her reply cut off to little more than a squeak as his mouth
closed over hers. Who the hell did he
think he was? A wolf… a little voice deep inside reminded as she tasted his
hunger. Awareness flushed through her
body as Chase pressed her against the length of him, trapping her body between
his and the tree. Everything about him was
hard and unyielding, but he didn’t punish her with his strength, he merely kept
her from escaping while he explored the dark secrets of her mouth at his
leisure. Amelia’s initial hesitation
quickly disappeared, the blood singing in her veins as her arousal spread like
wildfire wherever their bodies touched.
Still, a smidgen of
self control remained and Millie shoved at his chest, desperate to create a
little space between them. Chase barely
gave an inch, blazing a trail of kisses along the curve of her jaw toward the
smooth column of her throat.
“What are you
doing?” she demanded, even as her fingers slid up to curl around the collar of
his shirt, pulling him closer.
“Showing you how
dangerous the night can be.”
His kiss was
everything wild and dangerous about the night as promised, and a secret part of
herself she didn’t even know existed responded to the predator who took what he
wanted, instead of asking permission as society dictated. No thought for consequences or the future,
Chase operated on a purely sensual level.
She could feel it in the way the energy thrummed from his body to
hers. It made her forget the party in
full swing just a few feet away, forget her objections to being manhandled
altogether. Somewhere in the back of her
mind that bothered her in a big way, and a flare of panic went through her as
he touched bare skin.
“Wait…” she
panted, breaking the kiss and drawing in a ragged breath.
“Relax.” Chase made no move to let her go, lips
brushing over the sensitive spot where neck met shoulder.
“We should get
back to the party.”
“I warned you not
to stray into the dark woods unprotected.”
His teeth scraped lightly over her flesh in a love bite, and Millie
hoped it wouldn’t leave a mark. That was
the last thing she wanted to explain to Gran.
“You were the one
who was supposed to protect me, remember?”
“I am protecting
you,” he insisted.
“How, by mauling
me out in the woods yourself?” Millie demanded, pulling her head away to try
and catch his gaze.
“I am keeping you
safe by making you mine,” Chase replied as if it was the most obvious thing in
the world.
“Who says I’m
That brought him
up short. “Is there someone else?”
“Well, no, but…”
“Then what’s the
problem?” His sexy grin reappeared.
“The problem is, I
just met you yesterday, Chase. I don’t
work that fast.”
“You can’t fight
your destiny, Amelie. You know we belong
“Don’t call me
that,” she snapped irritably. Chase
seemed unperturbed, stroking his fingers down the bare skin of her back, making
her shiver with delight. It took Amelia
a long moment to focus her thoughts again before she could reply. “Just because you’re a good kisser, doesn’t
make you my destiny. Besides, what about
“What about
her?” He stared back blankly.
“Aren’t you and
Chase gave an
inelegant snort. “That was never
anything serious.”
“Does she know that? Because if looks could kill…”
“She knew exactly
what she was getting into.”
Millie turned that
over in her head for a moment, trying to decide exactly what he meant by
that. “Look…” She stole a deep, calming breath. “I like you Chase. I’d like to get to know you better, but I
don’t belong to anyone but myself.
That’s about all I’m offering right now.
If that’s not enough…” She shook
her head.
Chase stared back
at her for a long moment, and then the tension went out of his body and he
found his smile again. “Alright, that’ll
have to be enough for now. I’m a patient
man, Millie – up to a certain point,” he replied, tilting her chin up and
placing an almost chaste kiss to her lips.
“So, if you’re not going to let me steal your virtue out here, let’s get
back to the party. And no more wandering
off, you understand?”
“Okay, okay,” she
grumbled, trusting the darkness to hide her eye roll. “I read you loud and clear.” She accepted his hand for the walk back to
the party.
“Good, I’d hate to
have to give you another lesson.”
I am a writer, wife, and mother of two currently living in the Pacific Northwest. I am a complete TV addict (have to have it on at all times, even when I'm writing). I also enjoy online RPG's, singing, reading, cooking... lots more I can't think of at the moment.
The supernatural has long been my favorite to write and read. Werewolves, vampires, witchcraft, ghosts, things that go bump in the night; these are a few of my favorite things to write about. Not sparkly beings with phenomenal cosmic power that are always the smartest, bravest, prettiest Mary Sue to walk the planet, but real people who just happen to have this little quirk...
I've just published my 26th book, Kiss Me When the Sun Goes Down (#10 in my vampire series, Forged Bloodlines).
Here is a complete list of Lisa's books:
Forged Bloodlines Series
Wake Me When the Sun Goes Down
Meet Me When the Sun Goes Down
Find Me When the Sun Goes Down
Miss Me When the Sun Goes Down
Follow Me When the Sun Goes Down
Hear Me When the Sun Goes Down
Release Me When the Sun Goes Down
Trust Me When the Sun Goes Down
Tempt Me When the Sun Goes Down
Kiss Me When the Sun Goes Down
Carter (announced)
Forged Bloodlines #11 (announced)
The Fallen Series
Angel of Mercy
Mercy for the Wicked
Mercy for the Damned
Child of Mercy
Mercy for the Fallen.
The Company Series
The Company of Shadows
The Company of Darkness
The Company of Lies
The Company of Death
Pretty Witches All in a Row
Kiss the Witch Goodbye
Scarlett Moon: Moonsong sequel (announced)
Nine Steps to Sara
The Touch
Kindle Worlds: The Vampire Diaries: Tabula Rasa
Kindle Worlds: The Vampire Diaries: Dark Side of the Moon
Wow, this author is prolific. And not shy. ;P