Cursed by Fire
Immortal Brothers #1
by Jacquelyn Frank
Goodreads blurb: From New York Times bestselling
author Jacquelyn Frank comes the scorching hot first book in a thrilling new
series featuring four warrior brothers who have the power—and the curse—of
For centuries, Dethan has been trapped in a fiery inferno for defying the gods
and snatching the power of immortality. Condemned to have his battle-hardened
body licked by flames only to regenerate and be consumed all over again, Dethan
has lost all hope—until the Goddess of Conflict appears. She will release him
from torment—if he’ll use his power and strength as a warrior to
raise an army and defeat a fierce enemy faction of gods.
Free to live as a man once again, Dethan meets Selinda—heir to the throne of
Hexis—and his thoughts quickly turn from the conquest of cities to the conquest
of this headstrong beauty. Betrothed to a cruel, calculating powermonger,
Selinda needs a champion, and so Dethan enters into another bargain: If she
will share her bed—and her body—with him, Dethan will save her city from
destructive forces within and without. As the lovers ignite a searing passion,
Dethan will risk all—even the wrath of the Goddess of Conflict—for a chance to
make Selinda his forever.

About the Author: From her website HERE:
we are, a new year, a new bio. Life truly is dynamic so I have to keep updating
this thing constantly.
hasn’t changed? I am a native New Yorker, was born there and have lived a major
portion of my life there. I was born on Lawn Guyland (that’s how we say it, I
swear) but have resided in several places. I love animals, specifically cats,
to a point of insanity (I actually bought a ‘Crazy Cat Lady’ action figure from
a fan with a humor shop!) I love my boys like I would honest to goodness
children. I am still writing, the muse taking me all over creation. (I was recently
accused of having series ADD) But not to fear, I feel things coming full circle
and we will be in the Nightwalker world again! I’m still living in Western
North Carolina, a happy Asheville resident. My foster daughter, Bianca, still
visits with me at least twice a year and is very much a part of my life.
brings me to what has changed. I recently lost two of my boys. Damien and Magellan. All of you who know me know my cats are
like my children, and these losses were utterly devastating to me. They were
both very young and their deaths coming so close to each other was particularly
painful. Also, my Nicodemous (named after the wise old rat in
Nimh…but far too sweet to the inspiration for Nico my vampire villain) was
diagnosed with kidney failure and I have to anticipate another departure soon.
But my family has grown as well adding two new boys, Pierre and Sake. My rescue efforts have continued,
and I find myself working with Brother Wolf Animal Rescue, Animal
Compassion Network, and now T.A.A.G,
another local group. We had a particularly huge kitten season in WNC this year
and I was bursting at the seams with ferals the whole gang participated in
socializing them making them suitable for finding new forever homes.
whole gang consists of my new assistant, Natalie
Justice and my housekeeper Donna. It’s a gorgeous triad of women
that works so beautifully together, all of us knowing each others’ strengths
and weaknesses and somehow all of us fitting so well that things get done and I
get to write!
than this, I can only tell you that media is my life’s blood. Books, movies,
music…I thrive on all of it. I can cross almost every genre, but I have my
favorites so here goes: Female vocalists, like Evanescence’s Amy Lee, Lady
Gaga, Rhianna, Katie Perry, Ke$ha and about a hundred other women artists who
can get me moving and motivated with their voices are my preference at the
moment. Books? Honestly, I find it hard to make time to read anymore, and when
I do read it completely off genre and off my Kindle. I never thought I’d say
it, but I don’t even like holding a book anymore!
for movies, I admit it, I love disaster flicks. Something about the raw honesty
in the end of the human race as we know it…or the charge of romance in
impossible moments of desperation…but mostly I think it’s a tie between
watching people bite the dust for being arrogant and doofy (my cynical side)
and watching the human race persevere through the worst of situations because
of their best qualities (and there’s the optimist aka romantic).
And I bet you thought I was going to say romance movies. AS IF! Pretty Woman?
Bed of Roses? Titanic? (ooo…combo disaster and romance!) The Matrix? (Oh, it IS
TOO a romance! Love saves Neo’s life!) It’s not as though I haven’t seen all of
the above a hundred times over and STILL cry when I am supposed to! Do I seem
that sappy to you? Do I?! Huh?!
from the gal who bawls when she watches her Buffy because she and Angel are the
next best tragic pair of lovers since Romeo and Juliet.
other than that…I am a former ASL interpreter, I have a degree and everything.
Had to quit due to health issues conflicting with the work. If anyone tells you
interpreting for the deaf is easy, tell them to hold their arms in the air and
wave them around for an hour and a half straight without stopping. I’ve also
done a few other things like substitute teaching, health aide, things like
that, but I have wanted to be an author since I was barely into puberty. It was
those sexy teen romances where the first kiss was as far as they went. Heh. I
thought that was the be all and end all…then I got my hands on an introductory
copy for a new series launching (ok, showing my age for those who are in the
know) called Loveswept and got my first taste of sizzle.
I’ve been writing it and gobbling it up ever since! (You can assume I mean
through reading if you like). I just found out Loveswept is coming back and I’m
thrilled! I SO want to write for them. Even if just for fun!
projects? Animals (yes, cats especially), we have too many of them. Spaying and
neutering is crucial to population control, and population control means
hundreds less feral creatures starving in streets and in barns everywhere.
There are so many programs that will help with the cost of this, even trap and
release programs of fixing ferals, if you seek it out. And if you can possibly
pay it forward, the ACN, Friends 2 Ferals, BWAR and hundreds of other
animal rescue outfits depend on our generosity. Please, make certain it is a
legitimate association and that your gifts are going to the right place. Also,
animal cruelty is one of the most horrifying epidemics in this nation. People think
that because they are just animals that it’s okay to dump them by the roadside
when kittens grow up and are no longer so adorable and sweet. Or that they can
kick them around or ignore their responsibility to their health and safety
needs. North Carolina has yet to outlaw the use of the gas chamber when
euthanizing animals. This is something that should be protested by writing to
the representatives of the state, whether you are a
resident or not. I could go on forever about this. And maybe you’re thinking
there is so much HUMAN angst to worry about, why waste time on animals? I guess
because we’re all connected to the same earth, the same creative karma and,
perhaps, the same pool of souls. If we fail one, we hurt all of us. If we save
one, we heal us all. Even the tiniest, purring creature can teach us more about
ourselves and our ability to love than we might ever imagine. Who wouldn’t want
to save that?
to know anything else or have I hit the TMI mark already? Want to know more?
Hit the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) then maybe write me at! You
could just sign up to follow the blabbering blog I have too. I’m sure to run
off at the mouth about a great many things!
Hugs and Kitties!
Jacquelyn Frank
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My Thoughts - 3.5 out of 5
Unicorns - I more than liked it!!!
***Received a copy of the ebook for
an honest review via Netgalley
cover is okay and steamy, but nothing that grabs my attention. I think I like the cover on the UK site
better with the flames, but that’s just me :)
when I first started this book, I was lost and afraid this book was going to be
one I didn’t much like. I was wrong, and
this happens to me sometimes with new worlds and authors I’m not used to…heck
sometimes with authors I love. I think I
just love when there is a tons of stuff happening or going on, and you can’t
always have that when you are building a new world or there will be
creates a unique world that I have not read before, and I liked it :) I picked this book because my mom and grandma
love her work, and I knew it was a new series so I wouldn’t start behind the 8
ball so to speak :) She adds in flairs
with her speaking in the dialects of the world she is creating though it does
take a bit to get used to it. I was hooked
about 30 percent into the book. I think
a lot of people will stop reading a book because it doesn’t grab them from the
start, and I think this is a mistake especially in a brand new series :) I think the last 20 percent was the best, and
I didn’t want to put it down.
you want a perfect world where there isn’t any issues, probably not the story
for you. The heroine and city is like an
animal that has been abused for a long time while some would give up, love,
kindness, and direction sees them getting stronger and stronger. She had to be cultivated throughout the story
into the woman she becomes, and her I liked a lot :) Dethan is rough warrior with a long past, but
he is definitely not cruel and made this story what it was. I totally enjoyed the journey, and I think
this story will get better especially if the characters that have been built in
this story are still part of the next book :)
recommend this story to readers who like mythological type stories with a historical
feel. This was an unusual read for me,
but I definitely want to read the next book to see if the world grows and the
connection with the world and its characters grow as well.
Interested in reading???